Old-white-fishermen are a dying breed. Literally.
Historically portrayed as a male dominated sport, 45% of new fishing participants are female. Yet only 19% of women see fishing as a sport for them, For the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, we set out to change what fishing looked like - to show that it's for every gender, ethnic group and stage of life.

Custom created content and media partnerships created scads of different stories showcasing the diverse and wonderful faces of fishing. Some famous faces showed their fishing pride and women anglers shared their love (and catches) under the #makingwaves campaign.

"This is an exciting time for the fishing and boating industry. Women are heading to the water in record numbers, and we now have the opportunity to develop these new anglers into ambassadors for future generations. We are proud to be leading our industry in providing a rallying cry for women across the country.”
- RBFF Director of Marketing Rachel Piacenza